The research team has been super busy for the past week. On Friday, July 20, the team talked with former student Mary Edmundson. Gilbert had this to report:
Today we interviewed another alum from MSJC, Mary
Edmundson. Mary attended MSJC in 1966. She shared her experiences and
delightful stories of old friends and fellow alum, some still living in
the area. It is very enlightening to touch base with some of the these
alumni from MSJC to see where they are today and hearing their
On Monday, July 23, researchers Gilbert and Danielle interviewed Lori Van Arsdale. Ms. Van Arsdale has strong links to the college and community. She was a MSJC student and went on to become mayor of the city of Hemet. Danielle would like to share her experience with us.
Lori Van Arsdale offered a richly nostalgic view of the college. She regaled us with stories of John Chambers, classroom experiences, and the tremendous achievements of the college in the last 50 years. Perhaps one of our favorite moments in the interview was when she proudly recited a cheer she personally wrote for a homecoming game in late 70s, "MSJC! I don't know about you but it's home for me!" We're extremely excited to work more with her in the future. Overall, we felt that the interview was successful and enjoyable!
As we wrap up the interview process, the team is working diligently on producing a working script. Only one week to go!